“Over the last half-a-decade, digitisation has been the buzzword in air cargo industry, says, Amar More, CEO, Kale Logistics Solutions, in adding, “It has been the key topic of every conference or seminar. The most common term used during these conferences was ‘dinosaur’: are we a dinosaur in a digital world?” Calling COVID-19 an accelerator for giving a boost to digitisation, More explains, “It is true that compared to other sectors like automobile, banking and even travel; air cargo has been lagging behind in terms of digitalisation, despite the integrators and the increase of e-commerce. But now we have witnessed that there is a surge in the Cloud-based solutions and platforms. The focus is shifting from documents to data. The infrastructure is there, innovative technology is ready, it’s just a matter of time before we move to data and automate.”
Read More »Delta Cargo joins Sustainable Air Freight Alliance to be carbon neutral
With an aim to reduce its members’ environmental footprint, Delta Cargo has joined the Sustainable Air Freight Alliance (SAFA). The move aligns with Delta’s pledge earlier this year to become the world’s first carbon neutral airline. The airline has committed $1 billion over the next 10 years to mitigate all emissions from its global business. SAFA is collaboration between shippers, freight forwarders and airlines to track and reduce emissions from air freight and promote responsible freight transport. It is facilitated by BSR (Business for Social Responsibility), a global non-profit business network and consultancy dedicated to sustainability. “We are in the midst of the worst global pandemic in living memory, but we can’t afford to take sustainability off the agenda. Through this commitment, we are supporting Delta’s goal to be a more environmentally-friendly airline for generations to come,” said Shawn Cole, Vice President – Delta Cargo.
Read More »Holisol launches ‘Verdis Visibility’ for higher level of supply chain performance
Holisol Logistics has launched ‘Verdis Visibility’ to provide complete end-to-end visibility of supply chain processes in terms of the key parameters relevant to the organisation. Verdis Visibility is a part of company’s AI and ML-driven supply chain solutions system. The integrated flow of material and information is captured and easily available in the ‘dashboards’ of Verdis Visibility, in real-time, automated and online manner, enabling monitoring, analysis and quick decision making in the complex supply chains of today. “Verdis takes a deep dive into the organisation’s wide data (structured & unstructured) to connect the variables and identify a pattern to build the opportunity intelligence to realise its full potential,” says Rahul S Dogar, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Holisol Logistics.
Read More »DP World’s Ranjit Ray appointed as National Contact Point of World FZO for India
Ranjit Ray, heading FTZs for DP World Subcontinent has been appointed as the National Contact Point (NCP) of the World Free Zones Organisation (World FZO) for India Region. A certificate to this effect has been issued to DP World by WFZO. As an NCP, Ray will be the focal point to facilitate the development of Free Zones ecosystem in India along with the World FZO, and the Indian Government. DP World has over 30 years of experience in developing and operating Logistics Parks and Free Zones across the world. The company operates the world’s leading Free Zone – JAFZA in Dubai which contributes to 23 per cent of the GDP of Dubai Region, catering to over 7000 companies and global customers. Ranjit Ray, CEO FTZ, DP World Subcontinent says “We are pleased to be appointed as a National Contact Point of the World FZO for India. DP World has a proven track-record in developing Free Zones in many countries and we will endeavour to the best of our ability to leverage our global expertise to expand the logistics ecosystem in India and support our country’s fast-growing export-import trade.
Read More »From the pages of CargoTalk: Sustainable development & green logistics to turn out the new normal: Alexandre Soufiani
According to Alexandre Amine Soufiani, Managing Director & CEO, FM Logistic India, “Sustainable development and green logistics will emerge as the new normal.” He continues, “Keeping this in mind, FM Logistic India is building sustainable warehouses that are LEED certified, using solar panels, implementing sustainable solutions on ground, launching green transportation offer in 2020, etc. And lastly, strong human capital protection law is the most efficient sustainable development possible.”
Read More »Unilode partners with dnata to equip its warehouses with Bluetooth readers
In order to enhance the efficiency of ULD operations in the global network of their customers, Unilode Aviation Solutions and dnata have signed an agreement to equip all dnata warehouses with Unilode’s Bluetooth readers. Unilode’s digital solution transmits data on the geolocation of the ULDs and can also share other relevant information such as temperature, humidity, shock and light, using ULDs equipped with Bluetooth digital tags and a network of bluetooth readers and mobile devices. Benoit Dumont, CEO, Unilode, said, “Unilode is currently digitising its entire ULD fleet of 140,000 units with tags and is rolling out a bluetooth reader network infrastructure in over 250 locations worldwide. Our new agreement with dnata will help us accelerate the creation of Unilode’s digital ecosystem and enable us to increase ULD visibility, data accuracy and asset stock control, in addition to providing our customers with important information on their cargo.”
Read More »ACFI completes its 8 successful years
Serving the air cargo logistics industry, its members from the entire segments of air cargo logistics industry and the nation, Air Cargo Forum India (ACFI) has completed its eight constructive and successful years. With the objective of developing the air cargo logistics and supply chain industry and for bringing improvements in the movement and processing of EXIM trade with the help of the government regulatory agencies, ACFI was formed in the year 2012. After completion of two successful years (2018-19 to 2019-20) term of previous ACFI Governing Board, ACFI in its 8th Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by its 63rd Board meeting held on July 17, 2020 has announced the new ACFI Governing Board members for the next two years i.e. 2020-21 to 2021-22 taken over charge under the leadership of Cyrus Katgara, Partner M/S Jeena & Co. as President of ACFI. Air Cargo Forum India (ACFI) is the only nationwide association having representation from the entire air cargo logistic supply chain industry i.e. Airport Operators (Government & Private), Freight Forwarders, Airlines, Customs Brokers, Cargo Terminal Operators, Bonded Truck Operators, General Sales Agencies, Express Industry and the Associations of these individual stakeholders. In the international collaboration ACFI is the member of The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) and an Association Member of PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry in India.
Read More »First export container train launched to Bangladesh via Bengal’s border zone
In its endeavour to facilitate the demand of trade, Indian Railways has sent its first container train to Bangladesh connecting the two countries through Petrapole-Benapole border in West Bengal. The train carried FMCG in 40 containers and fabrics in 10 containers. The exporters from India were Procter & Gamble, Arvind and Vardhaman Textiles. This will be a permanent service connecting selected terminals of CONCOR to various stations in Bangladesh (Benapole, Jessore, Singia, Noapara, BBW). The inaugural container train ran between two countries from CONCOR’s CFS at Majerhat, Kolkata. This builds upon an experimental shipment launched by CONCOR and Indian Railways in April 2018, which used the Gede-Dharsana railway border crossing.
Read More »From the pages of CargoTalk: People with strong digital backbone counter better to this crisis: Ashok Rajan
“Supply has never been a problem in the cargo industry before this pandemic,” says Ashok Rajan, Senior Vice President and Head – Cargo & Logistics Solutions, IBS Software. Calling digitisation a saving grace for most of the air cargo professionals, Rajan shares, “In last three months, nature of operations has started to change considerably. With the work from home concept, interactions have gone digital. People who had strong digital backbone have responded much better to this crisis.” “In the time of crisis people are struggling to get connected to their customers in order to make sales. Hence, people who had access to digital sale channel are actually able to get a bigger chunk of the market than others,” he adds.
Read More »DHL Express to add four B767-300 Boeing converted freighters
As part of its efforts to continue modernising and growing its fleet, DHL Express and Boeing has announced that DHL will add four B767-300 Boeing converted freighters (BCF). According to DHL, the move was a step towards modernising its long-haul intercontinental fleet in order to fly eco-friendlier and more cost-efficiently. Work on the conversions will start in the fourth quarter of this year and is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. “We are excited to introduce additional B767 freighters to the DHL Express air network,” says, Geoff Kehr, Senior Vice President – Global Air Fleet Management, DHL Express. The 767-300BCF has virtually the same cargo capability as the 767-300F production freighter with approximately 50 tonnes structural payload at a range of approximately 5,556 km and 186,880 kg maximum take-off weight.
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