‘Collaboration, investment in infra & skills, streamlining regulatory processes essential to drive growth’

Vipin Vohra, Chairman, Continental Carriers shares, “One of the foremost challenges is infrastructure inadequacy, including outdated facilities and limited capacity at airports and terminals, leading to congestion and delays. This directly affects our ability to efficiently handle and transport goods. Despite the advancement of customs processing into fully online systems, the persistence of physical scrutiny of documents remains a notable bottleneck. The reliance on manual verification prolongs the clearance timeline, increases the risk of errors, and adds unnecessary costs for both businesses and customers. Furthermore, the lack of standardization and digitalization in processes across the industry creates inefficiencies and hampers interoperability among different stakeholders. This results in manual errors, communication gaps, and difficulties in tracking shipments, leading to customer dissatisfaction and operational challenges. Lastly, talent shortage and skill gaps in the workforce present ongoing challenges in maintaining high-quality service standards and innovation in our operations. Addressing these pain points requires collaborative efforts from industry stakeholders, and regulatory authorities to invest in infrastructure upgrades, streamline regulatory processes, and invest in talent development initiatives to drive growth and competitiveness in the Indian air cargo and logistics industry. Only through such concerted efforts can we unlock the full potential of the Indian air cargo and logistics industry, driving growth and competitiveness in the global market.”