Blue Dart boosts express deliveries through CSR initiatives





Blue Dart Express has collaborated with the Swades Foundation to revitalize Safed Musli cultivation in Nashik as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This joint initiative has significantly enhanced farmer incomes and provided an innovative solution for crop diversification. Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), a high-value tuber crop renowned for its medicinal properties, such as enhancing vitality, boosting immunity, and addressing gynecological disorders, had been critically endangered due to unsustainable collection and habitat loss. The tropical climate and altitude of Surgana taluka in Nashik create an ideal environment for cultivating this valuable herb. However, the high cost of planting material had deterred widespread cultivation.

Swades Foundation, a grassroots organization dedicated to rural empowerment, partnered with Blue Dart in FY’23-24 to conduct a pilot program involving 82 households in Nashik, each cultivating Safed Musli on 5 gunthas (5,000 sq feet) of land. Through comprehensive training and support from Swades, farmers were introduced to Safed Musli cultivation, provided with high-quality planting material, and guided throughout the crop cycle to the post-harvest stage. The results were remarkable, with farmers achieving a yield valued at Rs. 1,200 per kilogram, leading to an income of Rs. 28,575 per household.