Air Canada Cargo adds freighter to expand global operations
January 26, 2023
Air Canada announced today that Bolloré Logistics has become the first Air Canada Cargo customer to join the Leave Less Travel Program, which offers corporate and cargo customers effective options to offset or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to business travel or freight transportation, and reduce their carbon footprint. (CNW Group/Air Canada)Air Canada Cargo is continuing to expand its freighter operation with the addition of two new destinations. The carrier will add flights using its B767 freighters to Liege next month and to Basel in April. Air Canada Cargo will operate flights twice per week to Liege, with service increasing to three flights per week later in the year. Basel will see two flights per week. They will originate in Toronto and have a stop in Halifax. Liege has become one of Europe’s largest cargo airports in recent years by targeting freighter operations, while Basel is a major centre for pharmaceuticals. Matthieu Casey, managing director, commercial at Air Canada Cargo, said: “Air Canada Cargo continues to expand its freighter network to provide customers with reliable, year-round service that connects key European markets with Air Canada and Air Canada Cargo’s global network through its Toronto hub.”