‘Slow execution; uncertified personnel, under capacity utilisation must be tackled efficiently’

Samir J Shah, Partner, JBS Group of Companies says, “India is a country that has grown on the aspirations and dreams of its citizens. This approach is needed much more now than ever. There are many issues to be tackled – certification for employees; lopsided or over booked capacities; erratic charging by Custodians; the current political situations in many countries etc.” He adds, “The issues are many in number and solutions not easy. The intention of the bureaucracy and the service providers is to find a quick solution amidst an unclear road map. We also have a new minister for Civil Aviation and it is hoped he would bring a fresh new perspective to all the current issues. Air Cargo is the back bone of so many industries for both inbound and out bound. A slower execution; uncertified personnel, under capacity all add to the existing woes. We must collectively put efforts without being selfish since our survival is based on the survival of the industry.”