Pharma Aero releases white paper on sustainability project

Pharma.Aero, a leading organisation in the life science logistics industry, released a white paper detailing the findings of the Green Air Pharma Logistics Project (GAPL). The paper explores sustainability challenges within healthcare supply chain logistics and introduces a comprehensive index known as the Lane Sustainability Readiness Index (LSRI) to measure the sustainability readiness of stakeholders throughout the airport-to-airport supply chain. The collaborative effort will identify key quantitative and qualitative indicators defining a green air lane, involving various stakeholders along the supply chain including life science manufacturers, airports, airlines, cargo handlers, and solution providers, says an official release. LSRI will be a tool to support life science companies and freight forwarders to integrate sustainability considerations into freight procurement and lane assessment processes as part of their efforts in achieving Scope 3 targets. Additionally, it is aimed at supporting freight forwarders and airlines in developing low-emissions products and value propositions aligned with their customers’ sustainability goals, the release added.