Etihad Cargo ready for PLACI to ensure seamless cargo operations

Etihad Cargo, the cargo and logistics arm of Etihad Airways, has announced its complete readiness for the UAE Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) regulations, ensuring that partners and customers will experience no disruptions in their shipments. This achievement underscores the carrier’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security and efficiency in operations.

PLACI is an advanced security measure designed to enhance the monitoring and safety of air cargo. It mandates the submission of cargo data to regulatory authorities for risk assessment prior to loading, thereby enhancing the security of the supply chain. This protocol is crucial for addressing potential threats early and supporting the seamless flow of commerce by ensuring that all cargo is risk-assessed before it is loaded onto an aircraft.

Since its introduction, the adoption of PLACI has gradually expanded. Initially implemented by the US Customs & Border Protection with the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) programme in 2019, it was later adopted by the European Union with the launch of the Import Control System 2 (ICS2) in 2023. Both ACAS and ICS2 are fully integrated into Etihad Cargo’s operational processes, and Etihad Cargo was one of the first carriers to start live filing to ACAS. The UAE’s National Advance Information Centre (NAIC), under the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security, is the first country outside of North America and Europe to implement a PLACI regime. Additional countries are planning to roll out PLACI, indicating a growing global commitment to bolstering the security of the air cargo supply chain against evolving threats.