CargoAi boosts digital performance with new CargoQUALITY

CargoAi’s CargoMART booking platform now offers up-to-date performance transparency alongside real-time price and capacity information. CargoQUALITY is a new feature that takes industry-established quality monitoring methods, applies a fair, common standard to all airlines, and provides CargoMART users with a clear performance overview as an additional booking consideration factor.

In line with the CargoTech pledge to offer intelligent, easy-to-use, digital solutions for every air cargo business process, CargoAi’s latest online feature, CargoQUALITY, brings a unique, comprehensive overview to the international air cargo e-booking world. For the first time, freight forwarders using CargoMART are shown every airline’s quality performance on their selected flight route. All carriers are measured against the same industry-established method, namely their Notify for Delivery (NFD) performance. To ensure fair comparison, CargoAi applies a standard cut-off point of 6 hours. This quality overview offers an additional aspect alongside price, speed, and CO² emissions, and allows for a far more informed booking decision.

CargoAi collaborates with around 100 airlines displaying their services on CargoMART, and has access to the data of the million of air waybills (AWBs) tracked during the last 12 months via CargoAi’s solutions. This enables CargoAi to calculate a Quality score per airline per route, reflecting the percentage of shipments that were ready to be delivered by the airline at 6 hours after flight arrival, according to a baseline roadmap derived from the booking information. The planned NFD (Notify for Delivery) is compared against the actual NFD milestone (or AWD, where necessary) to calculate the Quality score. The result flows into a historical CargoQUALITY score for the airline and route (origin and destination), as well as the historical CargoQUALITY score for all airlines on the route in question. The Quality scores of the past three months are taken into account, thus always offering an up-to-date view of the airline’s true quality performance. Users of CargoMART can access an airline’s CargoQUALITY score by clicking on Quality icon next to the airline name. CargoQUALITY also contains historical reports for each airline, detailing information on its performance over time, and how this compares with other airlines on the same route.