QuickShift has launched its same-day delivery service QS-Rapid in Delhi-NCR. With this, the company will cater to the consumers’ growing needs by ensuring all deliveries across the Delhi-NCR region are done within the same day. The company that has set a target of providing unique supply chain solutions for large and small enterprises for product deliveries to happen on time, has launched this service to cater to the online orders received for D2C brands on its system to be delivered on the same day to its customers. Also, with the launch of same-day delivery in Delhi-NCR, Quickshift RAPID plans to further consolidate every brand’s ‘customer first’ positioning.
“Delhi is the national hub of business with a nine times bigger market. Its robust connectivity across NCR regions and neighbouring states, catering to growing urban demands makes it a prime location for Quickshift to launch the same-day delivery service. The reality is that consumers want quick, easy, and accessible products straight to their door. Same-day delivery is a game-changer because it combines the immediate product availability of brick and mortar retail with the convenience of ordering from home. The option of having same-day shipping reduces cart abandonment by close to 25%. It encourages consumers to shop more online. While it has its own challenges, we feel that few cities in India today provide the dynamism to make it work,” said Anshul Goenka, Founder, QuickShift.