‘Implement temperature monitoring and tracking systems to ensure cargo safety’

Arnab Bhattacharya, Country Manager, India for UPS Healthcare shares, “Implementing advanced temperature monitoring and tracking systems which provide continuous oversight and allow for immediate action if any deviations occur, helping to maintain the required temperature range, and reduce wastage. Investment is another key area of focus – specifically in modern cold storage facilities and reliable transportation networks. Public-private partnerships could be an effective way to bridge infrastructure gaps, particularly in rural areas. Regulatory compliance is also crucial. To simplify compliance issues, establishing harmonized regulatory standards across regions with consistent enforcement is necessary. We shouldn’t overlook packaging solutions either – improved methods can protect products from contamination and damage during transit. Efficiency is another important factor that can be enhanced by developing integrated logistics platforms for seamless communication among stakeholders. Operational costs are always a concern but these can be reduced by adopting energy-efficient technologies and optimizing routes. Training programs for personnel involved in cold chain logistics are essential as they improve operational efficiency and reduce errors. Now, let’s consider technology – the rise of data demand along with IoT technologies present their own set of challenges but also offer opportunities for better control over operations.”