‘Enhancing airport infra, service quality, cargo handling vital’

“Enhancing airport infrastructure and optimizing integrated cargo handling processes to streamline operations and enhance service quality is the need of the hour,” says Kamesh Peri, CEO, Celebi Delhi Cargo Terminal Management Pvt Ltd. He adds, “Secondly, navigating the complex regulatory landscape poses a challenge for handlers in India. Cumbersome regulatory approvals, intricate procedures and documentation requirements impede operational efficiency. Simplifying regulatory processes and fostering greater collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies are essential to facilitate smoother operations. Lastly, intense competition within the handling sector necessitates continuous innovation to maintain competitiveness. Collaborative efforts among cargo industry players to standardize processes, share best practices, and explore innovative solutions are crucial for driving growth and sustaining competitiveness. By proactively addressing these bottlenecks through concerted efforts and strategic initiatives, we can overcome challenges and unlock the true potential of the cargo handling industry in India.”