‘Diversification of suppliers, nearshoring, & leveraging multi-modal logistics can reduce dependency on high-risk regions’

Arun Chandra, Vice President – Aviation Business, BIAL said, “Risk management strategies are vital in mitigating the impact of geopolitical risks on global supply chains. The methods include diversification of suppliers, nearshoring, and leveraging multi-modal logistics to reduce dependency on high-risk regions. Additionally, scenario planning and predictive analytics help organisations anticipate disruptions and respond swiftly. A robust risk management framework ensures that the supply chain is resilient, minimizes delays, and protects profitability in volatile geopolitical climates. At BLR Airport, our initiatives focus on robust partnerships and leveraging advanced technologies, ensuring adaptability and operational stability amidst geopolitical uncertainties. Major supply chain disruptors include:

  • Natural disasters
  • Geopolitical tensions
  • Labor shortages
  • Cyberattacks
  • Demand-supply mismatches”