‘Crucial to propel innovation and excellence in logistics’

Vineet Agarwal, MD of TCI says, “With over 65 years of experience in India’s logistics industry, TCI recognizes the critical role that logistics plays in connecting people, businesses, and communities. While the United States celebrates National Logistics Day, we believe it is time for India to similarly honour the invaluable contributions of the logistics sector. Employing over 22 million individuals, the logistics industry is a cornerstone of our economy. By designating a day to celebrate logistics in India, we can properly acknowledge the dedication of these professionals. This recognition was duly emphasized during the COVID pandemic as logistics became the lifeline of humanity, underscoring the significance of innovation and excellence in propelling economic growth. Through this endeavor, we aim to ensure that logistics & supply chain management remain to be a boardroom topic. At TCI, we are committed to establishing new benchmarks in logistics, ensuring seamless trade, and fostering sustainable development.”