‘Open Sky Policy can boost cost-effective & timely cargo operations’

“An Open Sky Policy is essential for improving air freight operations by significantly improving market dynamics and operational efficiency. Allowing airlines greater freedom to operate on different routes and eliminating restrictive agreements enables increased competition amongst carriers,” says Nikhil Agarwal, President, CJ Darcl Logistics. He adds, ” This competition often results in benefits for cost-effective and timely cargo operations. Additionally, an Open Sky Policy promotes expanded route networks, enhancing connectivity between major global hubs. This broader network enables more frequent flights and flexible scheduling, crucial for meeting the needs of modern supply chains requiring agility and precision. The ability to adjust routes and frequencies based on real-time demand can shorten transit times and optimize cargo flow, thus improving overall logistics efficiency. Moreover, the increased number of airlines and flights can enhance service levels and provide more options for cargo shippers, ultimately benefiting the global supply chain and stimulating economic growth.”